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Te Tumu Kāinga Privacy Statement

Te Tumu Kāinga is the trading name for the Auckland and Onehunga Hostels Endowment Trust. We are administered by the Māori Trustee. This privacy statement explains how Te Tumu Kāinga (‘we’, ‘us’, ‘our’) collects, uses, stores, shares and disposes of your personal information. Personal information means information about an identifiable individual, and includes information relating to a death maintained by the Registrar General for Births, Deaths and Marriages.

This privacy statement reflects our commitment to respecting and protecting all personal information that we hold about you. We review this policy regularly and we might make some changes from time to time. You will always find the current version on our website at

Our Policy

We only use, store and share personal information collected in accordance with this privacy statement and the Privacy Act 2020.


This privacy statement applies to personal information collected through our website, social media pages, phone calls and written communications we receive, meetings we conduct and other interactions with you and the organisations we partner with to deliver our services.

This privacy statement applies to the following persons:

• our clients and potential clients, including people who participate, or apply to participate, in the programmes we administer and their authorised representatives
• persons who voluntarily provide us personal information, for example users of our website, those who contact us or connect with us on social media; and
• other ‘associated people’ (such as shareholders, company directors, responsible and advisory trustees) of our clients.

This statement applies to all capacities in which we exercise our duties, functions and obligations.

You accept this Privacy Statement when you interact with us or use our services.

This Privacy Statement will be reviewed from time to time to take account of new laws and technology, and changes to our operations and practices. We may amend and update this Privacy Statement from time to time by posting a revised version on our website. Any amendments will be effective immediately from the date they are posted.

What personal data we collect and why we collect it


We only collect personal information where it is necessary to carry out our functions or to deliver our programmes. For example:

• Your name, address, contact information, iwi affiliation and financial information if you are participating in one of our programmes

In some cases, if personal information we request is not provided, we may not be able to provide some or all of our services to you.

How do we collect your personal information?

We collect your personal information directly from you, such as when:

  • You contact us by email, phone or through our website.
  • You attend a meeting with us.
  • You contact or connect with us on social media.

We may also collect information about you from other people, such as when:

• You provide one of our partners with your information in order to participate in one of our programmes. Our partners (Partners) include:
o New Zealand Housing Foundation;
o CORT Community Housing (Community of Refuge Trust);
o Ka Uruora charitable trust; and
o Te Puni Kōkiri.
• You authorise someone else to provide us with personal information or to update your personal information, for example when someone else updates your details with us. We may ask your authorised person to show proof of connection to you.
• We search publicly available information.
• Agencies such as local Councils provide us with information about you or your property.
• Organisations such as your bank provide us with information in relation to your participation in our programmes.

• We engage third parties to undertake services on our behalf to enable us to perform our functions, and those third parties collect your information.

If you have provided us with information about another person, you warrant that you have that person’s permission to do so.

Storage, Security and Retention

How do we store your personal information?

We take reasonable care, or require any third party acting on our behalf, to keep your personal information safe from loss, misuse and unauthorised disclosure.

We store your hard copy personal information within our offices or in outsourced secure, off-site storage. Our primary database on which we store your electronic copy personal information is within a New Zealand-domiciled data centre. In some cases, aspects of your personal information may be stored outside of New Zealand for business continuity/redundancy, or specialised services that are not hosted in New Zealand.

How do we secure your personal information?

We take security seriously. Our website and our systems have security measures in place to prevent the loss, misuse and alteration of information under our control. To maintain the cyber security of our systems and information, our systems are subject to ongoing security monitoring (including activity logging), security analysis, patching, security testing and auditing.

We may use services from one or more third party suppliers to monitor or maintain the cyber security of our systems and information. These third party suppliers will have access to monitoring and logging information as well as information processed on our website and other IT systems.

How long do we keep your personal information?

The law requires us to destroy your personal information if we no longer require it for the purpose for which we collected it, or if it is no longer required to meet our legal requirements. If we have to keep it to meet our legal requirements, we will continue holding it until it is no longer required to meet those requirements.


We use the personal information you provided us for the purposes that you provided the personal information to us, and to perform our lawful duties and functions as required.

We may also use your personal information:

• To perform a purpose directly related to the purpose for which you have given your personal information to us.
• Where the law permits or requires its use.

To meet our legal obligations, as well as obligations imposed by governmental, judicial or regulatory entities or authorities, and entities that supervise or regulate us.

To contact you about a request or query.

As part of ‘data matching’ activities, in which we compare your information with information that is public and/or held by someone else (for example, using a service provider to confirm your postal address details).

To help us understand your needs and preferences so that we can enhance or develop new products and services.

Sharing and disclosure

Who do we provide your information to?

We do not generally share your personal information with third parties unless sharing it is needed for the purpose for which you gave the information to us. However, we may share your personal information in the following circumstances:

• With our Partners.
• With the Māori Trustee and Te Tumu Paeroa.
• With Te Puni Kōkiri and the Minister for Māori Development (for instance, when a Ministerial consent is required as part of our programmes).
• With people or organisations that undertake services for you and/ or us (such as insurers, our technology vendors, and providers of management services).
• For a directly related purpose to the purpose for which the information was collected.
• When required or permitted by law.

• When we need legal or other professional advice.
• To meet obligations imposed by governmental, judicial or regulatory entities or authorities and entities that supervise or regulate us.
• When you have provided your authorisation to disclose your personal information (for example to your attorney or authorised person).

When we disclose your information to third parties, we make sure they are aware of the importance we place on protecting your privacy. They are required to keep your information confidential, and only use it for the purpose for which we have supplied it, or as permitted or required by law.

In all other cases we will only disclose your personal information if it is permitted under the Privacy Act 2020.

Right of Access and Correction

How can you check and correct your personal information?

Subject to the exceptions in the Privacy Act2020, you have the right to:

  • Find out from us whether we hold personal information about you.
  • Access that information.
  • Request corrections of that information, if applicable.

If we have a good reason for refusing a request for correction, you are entitled to request that a statement be attached to the information that a correction was sought but not made.

If you want to check personal information that we hold, please write to: [email protected]

If you make a privacy complaint, we will follow it up through our internal complaints process. If you are not satisfied with the outcome, you can contact the Privacy Commissioner on 0800 803 909 or visit


Our website, and other web services we offer, use cookies. Browser or ‘web’ cookies are small text files that are sent by a website and stored on your computer’s hard drive to collect information about how you browse the website.

Cookies are used to:

Measure how you use the website so it can be updated and improved based on your needs.

Remember the notifications you’ve seen so that we don’t show them to you again.

You can manually disable cookies at any time. Check your browser’s ‘Help’ to find out how (disabling cookies will not affect your ability to use this website).

Data collected may include:

• Your IP address.
• The search terms you used on this site.
• The pages you accessed on this site and the links you clicked on.

• The date and time you visited this site.
• The referring site (if any) from which you clicked to reach this site.
• The device you used to access this site.
• Your operating system (e.g. Windows 10, Mac OS X).
• The type of web browser you used to access this site (e.g. Internet Explorer, Google Chrome).
• Other things like your screen resolution, the release of your installed Flash version and the language setting of your browser.

How to contact us

The Auckland and Onehunga Hostels Endowment Trust, trading as Te Tumu Kāinga, is the agency collecting and holding your personal information. The information is held in the system of Te Tumu Paeroa as administrator. Our address is:

Level 3 / 110 Featherston Street
Seabridge House

If you would like more information, have any questions or would like to provide us with feedback about this policy, please feel free to:

Phone us on 04 474 4675

Your call may be recorded. We use these recordings:

• to improve our service
• to ensure that we have accurate records of our calls
• for employee training purposes.

Write to us at:
Level 3
110 Featherston Street
Seabridge House

Last updated 10 May 2022